Warna Iron. Warna pada monitor dapat dipengaruhi oleh peralatan komputer Reproduksi warna dan kualitas yang benar hanya dapat dijamin jika menggunakan produk Jotun yang diproduksi oleh Jotun Multicolor Colour System Warna mungkin/akan terlihat berbeda dibawah kondisi pencahayaan berbeda Tingkat kilap dan jenis permukaan dapat mempengaruhi tampilan warna.
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Iron supplements Medicines that have bismuth subsalicylate (Kaopectate PeptoBismol) can also cause very dark stools Other causes of black poop Poop that looks like.
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Stool can turn black because of iron and vitamin supplements Iron can also turn stool greenish As the uterus enlarges and increases pressure within the pelvis constipation may occur and hemorrhoids can develop and cause blood in the stool If there is no underlying problem stool color changes are often due to changes in the diet and will resolve in a couple of.