Procedure Text Makanan. Contoh Procedure Text Makanan Bukan hanya minuman kita juga bisa menemui banyak teks prosedur membuat makanan Biasanya dalam bentuk resep tertentu yang terdapat di buku ataupun internet 1 Hot to Make Chicken Soup Ingredients 350 grams chicken chunk 2 Carrots 1 Red Tomato 2 Potatoes 5 Onions 2 Garlics 3 Candlenuts 1/2 teaspoon of pepper.

Procedural Text Berbentuk Food And Beverage Recipe procedure text makanan
Procedural Text Berbentuk Food And Beverage Recipe from

Here are the instructions Mash the tempe with a fork Put the mashed tempe in a bowl and mix with the flour and Royco followed by an egg Shape the tempe into the size of a golf ball and flatten a little with a fork Heat the vegetable oil in a medium flame When the oil is hot drop the tempe into the oil five or six at a time.

Procedure Text Pengertian, Ciri, Structure dan Contohnya

If it is too thin add more flour Peel plantain or banana and cut in half lengthwise and then cut again with 4inch width Dip into batter to coat.

Procedure Text Dan Contoh, Disertai Soal + Jawaban

Dalam procedure text terdapat tiga bagian utama yaitu goal materials dan steps Pertamatama sebuah teks prosedur memberikan penjelasan singkat latar belakang maksud dan tujuan teks tersebut Dalam teks resep masakan tujuan.

Materi Bahasa Inggris tentang Procedure Text Recipe

Procedures 1 Combine Swallow Jelly sugar vanilla and water Stir continously until mixture thickens 2 Turn on the stove Set over mediumhigh heat stir until it is boiled 3 Turn off the stove then add milk 4 Pour into a bowl or a mould Refrigerate at leat 4 hours 5.

Procedural Text Berbentuk Food And Beverage Recipe

55+ Contoh Procedure Text Tentang Benda, Minuman, Makanan

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Procedure Text dan Manual beserta Penjelasan Paling Mudah

Bahasa Inggris Beserta Procedure Text Dalam 12 Contoh Soal

Take mediumsize garlic 4 cloves Take also the onion about 6 to 7 fruit Provide also cilantro about 1 teaspoon And also Pecan 5 grains Don’t forget to peel the turmeric is at least 1 cm only Ingredients for the marinade ingredients chicken porridge We recommend that you use 1 tails freerange chicken Approximately ¾ liter of clean water.