Eksakta. Eksakta merupakan channel yang berisi videovideo pembelajaran tingkat SMA terutama mata pelajaran eksak yaitu MATEMATIKA +FISIKA + KIMIA Di channel eksakta setiap pelajaran menekankan konsep.
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Global Eksakta adalah sebuah Chanel dimana Tempat Nyaman Belajar Sains dan Matematika Di Chanel Ini akan di Paparkan Materimateri Fisika Kimia.
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Dr Soetomo Surabaya Hospital in 2019 received 167000 cancer patients and the highest was breast cancer The increase in the stage of breast cancer is caused by the size of the tumor and how widely the cancer cells have spread to other organs The purpose of this study was to apply the ordinal logistic regression method in the case of factors that support the.
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Eksakta | 11 followers on LinkedIn Eksakta is focused in creating a public environment that’s aware and enthusiastic in science technology engineering and mathematics While the.