Citra Gell. Drugscom provides accurate and independent information on more than 24000 prescription drugs overthecounter medicines and natural products This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended for medical advice diagnosis or treatment Data sources include IBM Watson Micromedex (updated 6 Dec 2021) Cerner Multum™ (updated 1 Jan.
Because of its thixotropic nature CITRAGEL has the ability to cling virtually anywhere to lift and extract grime even on vertical surfaces A citrus extract called d Limonene is used to remove the most resistant grime including grease tar oil asphalt and other similar soiling materials.
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Advantage CitraGel 20 202 Advantage CitraGel 20 pH 90 Use to remove oilbased spots & stains such as tar asphalt grease lipstick crayon gum proteins adhesive and shoe polish Leaves a pleasant orange fragrance Use on carpet and hard surfaces Because of it’s many uses Advantage CitraGel 20 spotter is one of $1795In stock.
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Citra Fresh Glow Coconut Nourish UV Multifunction Gel diformulasikan khusus untuk pengguna hijab dan busana tertutup Formulanya begitu ringan tidak lengket melembabkan dan mencerahkan menyejukkan kulit wajah & tubuh dengan aroma yang menyegarkan Gunakan sebagai pelembab dan penyejuk kulit seharihari sleeping mask dan primer makeup.
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CITRA GEL is an organic orange based gel hand cleaner with built in emollients and mild abrasives CITRA GEL easily removes oil grease fresh paint bitumen fats resin printing ink cement mortar cutting oils glue and paste adhesives.
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Citragel May come in various doses In most cases antibiotics antihypertensive pain killers and antidiabetic drugs available in different doses Your doctor may prescribe any of the doses based on the severity of the patient’s condition According to our reports users of gmedicationcom used the drugs in the following dosage percentage.